I know it may sound weird for someone but I love public speaking. I try to keep every talk entertaining while providing the best value possible.
Being an avid open-sourcer sometimes my
talk are about my projects but I try to make whoever listen to the talk, leave with a bit more knowledge about the same problem that inspire me to create that project.
I’m also a regular host of This Week in Svelte a weekly (who would’ve guessed) appointment on the Svelte Society youtube channel.
Do you want me to talk at your conference/meetup/podcast/coffee with friends? Reach to me without hesitation!
Wanna see how I speak and teach? Here’s some examples:
Surprise! Svelte Secretly Sending Signals
JSNation - 6/12/2025 Svelte London Meetup - 2/26/2025
the abstract
Svelte 5 brought a brand new paradigm on the table of svelte users: Runes.
Under the hood Runes uses a popular pattern for fine grained reactivity called Signals. While signals are just an implementation detail for svelte, understanding how they work and why they work and what gotchas they bring is good to be more proficient developing with Svelte.
In this talk we will implement a basic version of a reactivity system with signals and go over the main gotchas.
Herd your async tasks!
Svelte Vienna Meetup - 2/3/2025Svelte London Meetup - 10/30/2024
the abstract
Asynchronous code is a PITA but it doesn't have to be...follow along to learn about how a sheepdog can help you herd and juggle all your async tasks!
Fullstack testing
SvelteSummit Spring 2024 - 5/20/2024
the abstract
Testing is a very important part of your application but in the modern world frameworks blend the line between frontend and backend. In this talk we will explore how to test your fullstack application using SvelteKit going over what the testing pyramid and various techniques to unlock your full(stack) testing potential.
SvelteSummit Fall 2023 - 11/20/2023
the abstract
One of the key features of SvelteKit is how much is focused on progressive enhancement. It's easy to build a website that works without Javascript and get's 100 times better with it.
That said there are limitations, mainly based on the limitation of "The platform". What if you want to use a modal? Or a range slider? Those things require the usage of Javascript and thus if you want to be really keen on progressive enhancement you might find yourself avoiding those patterns in the name of the user-without-javascript experience.
But there are ways around this and this talk aim to help you navigate around the world of progressive enhancement without sacrificing the experience of the users that do have Javascript.
I like it move it move it
Svelte London Meetup - 10/25/2023
the abstract
Animations and micro-interactions are an essential part of modern web development, especially if you want to make your app feel polished. With the addition of view transitions it's never been easier to do it...but how do they work? And how can you use it in Sveltekit effectively?
Hacking SvelteLab
CodingCat - 6/21/2023 Svelte Summit Spring 2023 - 5/25/2023 Svelte London Meetup - 5/16/2023 This Week in Svelte - 4/15/2023
the abstract
Presentation of Sveltelab, the supercharged REPL for sveltekit, winner of the Svelte Hackaton 2023
Sharable State
Svelte London Meetup - 11/24/2022
the abstract
Presentation of sveltekit-search-params a library to quickly read and write to the query params